Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Hey you guys, remember me?? It has been over a week since my last post... such a slacker, I am. It's amazing how much can happen in a week! Recap anyone??

So I didn't end up driving to Oklahoma in an un-air-conditioned vehicle to spend my Labor Day wknd with my OK family like we had discussed before. I know, I know... You're thinking I am such a pansy/prima donna. You may be right in some circumstances, but I do have an excuse this time. The forecast called for rain. I can't drive down the highway in the rain with my windows down and sunroof back. So I rented a car. 1 week and $190 later and I haven't seen a drop of rain yet... I'm sure it's coming, though. SURELY that weatherman wouldn't tell a lie! (smirk!)
In the meantime, I am not going to complain because I have never enjoyed an air conditioned car more than I did for that 8 hours in my life. I soaked it up. I also had an AMAZING TIME in Oklahoma. Always relaxing. Always care-free. Always comfortable. Always home. We went to the horse races on Saturday. I had never been to the horse races in my whole entire life. Can I just tell you, I loved it!! I am a big horse lover anyway... this was just incredible. I did some serious gambling.
It looks like I knew what I was doing didn't it? Eh? Ya, I lost every penny of that $20 bucks I threw down on those 9 races. But it was worth it. We sat in the clubhouse, got the best view, I hear the margaritas were great, we had the best service and had a blast.
The rest of the time we just hung out on the farm. Did I tell you my dad lives on a farm? He and Alison have a few hundred acres in Central Oklahoma. They love the Country Life. I don't blame them. In fact, lucky for you, I talked Alison into starting up her own blog so if you want to read more about their country life you can check out Alison's blog here.
Saturday I knew I had a long run scheduled that I could not skip. My family is so unbelievably supportive of my running habits (Probably because I inherited them from my Dad), so Saturday we all decided to throw on our gear and go for a country run. All 4 of us (Dad, Al, my cousin Kehley and my little sis, Maci). Self portrait by the way... that is talent ladies and gentlemen.

This is the beginning of our run... the long driveway leads out to the gravel road. This nice little country run soon became the dreaded run from hell because I didn't realize that throughout my entire training period, I have yet to incorporated hills into my runs.... until then. And let me tell you, running on graveled mini mountains is not easy. It's torture, simply put. Period. And the bad part about it is, my dad kept telling me... this isn't even the hilly route. We are going on the "hills" tomorrow. I said to myself, "THE HELL WE ARE!! What in the name of Vertical torture are you trying to do to me?!" I was breathing so hard I thought I was going to start coughing up a kidney. But I made it through. I didn't track my pace. My goal a quarter of the way in was to finish without ending up in a coffin. I succeeded.
Unfortunately, I became sick. I began coughing, wheezing, sneezing, hacking.... all I gotta say is it was not a pretty sight, folks. I would like to blame it on the run from hell taking so much out of me, but the truth is I started feeling this way on the drive up to Okla. Fortunately, I was able to skip the torturous hills-have-eyes run. I know what you're thinking.... you seasoned runners out there are going "Suck it up! You should never dread a run! Just do it!" But seriously, I am afraid that having not run hills at all... I should gradually incorporate them... for my shins sake! (Which I believe are doing much better by the way, for those of you who care. THANK YOU SAUCONY!)
I had to leave and come back home on Monday. It's always hard to leave. I know I will see my family again soon, we try to never go more than a few months without seeing each other. But I just miss my them so much. I'm sure some of you have family that you feel the same way about. Maci is growing up so fast right now... she just turned 5 and is at that age where she REALLY loves her big sis. I am hoping this is not a phase she is going through. I know girls start to think their moms aren't cool at a certain age, but do they have to feel this way about their big sisters?? That are 21 years older than them?? Before I go on, I just have to show this kid off... I know people are bias and maybe I am.... but honestly, is she not the most beautiful thing you have ever seen???
The drive home on Monday flew by. I wasn't able to run again until this morning. I am still coughing up crud and my ears pop every now and again due to the fluid in my head... but I am feeling much better. I ran 3.5 easy miles this morning before work. 10 minute pace. Felt great. I plan to do the same thing in the morning. I'll let you know how it goes...
Marvelous Miles to you all!!


  1. Graveled mini mountains. love it!! and yes i COMPLETELY agree. your sister is the cutest kid and funny too. i love you. as usual its never long enough. and by the i need to call Enterprise????

  2. Glad you spent time in OK with the family, your little sis is so beautiful and YES she wil ALWAYS luv you!!!!

    I have a hard time with the hill training also because I live in central FL and there really are no hills......I have to drive a little ways to find 1 hill and then I just have to keep going up and down the same hill!! Haha! Haven't done too much of that, but need to!!

    I would have totally ditched the second run too, always listen to your body and don't let this crazy blogging runner's world tell you otherwise! You know when it is okay to push through and when your body is saying to slow down!! A day of rest when you are sick is best as you don't want to get injured!!

    Hope you get to feeling better and so glad you are back!!!!!

  3. What a cutie! Love that B&W pic! Sounds like you've had a busy week! Welcome back!

  4. She is a gorgeous little girl! I want to visit a farm someday. City girl over here. LOL!

    Glad you rented a car, probably a very wise decision, even without the rain.

  5. I hate running hills too (unless it is in the mountains). In fact, I just did a post about running hills and how i hate them.
    I can't believe your whole family went for a run with you! That is very cool.
    You must adore that little sister of yours; she is just way too cute.
    Glad you had a great time w/ the fam!

  6. Sounds like a fantastic weekend. Don't beat yourslef up about the hills. You did the right thing! And you sister is georgeous!!

  7. Fellow Texas Girl here!! I've been following a few blogs for while when I found yours and just started my own. I'm running in San Antonio too!! My first half!! I look forward to reading about your progress! Good Luck!


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